>In some cases you might want to specify the code set IBM-1047 rather 
>than IBM-037.  There are unfortunately [at least] two conflicting 
>EBCDIC-based code sets in common use on z/OS: IBM-037 for applications 
>from the 3270 tradition, IBM-1047 for applications from the C Language 
>or UNIX tradition, mainly differing in code points for brackets, caret,

>and not sign.

The OP talked about CP 037.  That's why I wrote my sample using IBM-037.
You're right, I should have made a more general statement: You need to
know your code pages on both sides and then code the SBDATACONN

There are many more code pages in common use than 037 and 1047. And
there are many more important characters mapped to different code points
in those code pages.

IBM thoughtlessly replaces z/OS UNIX binaries with scripts, breaking
general usage of those commands in environments which are *not* 037 or
1047. Need an example? Previously the z/OS UNIX commands to work with
the C compiler were binaries. They had no problem being called with
different locales set. Then came the replacement commands, which now are
shell scripts. These do not work in many locales, because shell scripts
are locale dependent. Bad idea.

Peter Hunkeler

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