It would be helpful to know what you are trying to do.  Try explaining
what that it without prejudging the question whether "compound
variable names" are needed to do it.

They are available at almost any level of complexity you need, as the
identifiers of created set symbols and set-symbol arrays, as in the
trivial example

|&prefix    setc 'Etaoin'
|&infix0    setc 'Alfred'
|&infix1    setc 'Prufrock'
|&suffix    setc 'Shrdlu'
|&switchid setc '&prefix'.'&infix0'.'&infix1'.'&suffix'
|                lclb  &(&switchid)      ---identifier is:
|&(&switchid) setb (t'&P2 ne 'O')           ---P2= value coded/present?

Again, tell us what you want to do.  Doing it is almost certainly possible.

Berndt's suggestion that this discussion be moved to the assembler
list is a very good one.  There is overlap among the readers of these
two lists, but HLASM language constructs of any complexity bore and
discourage people who don't use it regularly.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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