The 360/390/z architecture instruction set is designed to support writing a secure Operating System, but by no means guarantees that a given Operating System implementation, or a specific Installation's customized version of that Operating System, will be secure. In order to allow useful utilities and installation enhancements to be implemented under MVS, there must be controlled ways provided in which non-IBM code can gain access to supervisor state or key 0. If an installation failed to implement basic recommended MVS security practices, it is conceivable that some MVS user having the ability to submit his own batch jobs or execute TSO commands might be able to introduce code into a library where it could run with the required authority and do damage.

It is unlikely one would find many MVS systems so badly configured, and the odds of someone being able to exploit such a system are reduced by the common practice of not allowing the required kind of access from outside a corporate network - one would in general require both physical access and access to a valid userid with the required authorities. For large-scale traditional MVS servers (like CICS, IMS, and more recently, web servers) that are more likely to be exposed to the outside world, the compartmentalized nature of MVS address spaces, installation-unique virtual address mapping, and hardware protection of sensitive memory pages makes it virtually impossible that anyone would be able to exploit any code bugs in these servers to introduce executable code into the server, much less code that could compromise the system.

Hercules emulates S/360 through z/architecture environments. Running the free MVS 3.8 Operating System under Hercules with suitable utilities one could generate binary object decks in a format that would still be understood by current z/OS and which could potentially be ported to a z/OS system; but for that matter one could conceivably even write an ordinary PC program to generate data files in the required format to build an MVS-acceptable program binary deck, as that format is well-documented from 40 years of use. But, in order to introduce harmful code to a z/OS system, the system must be mis configured, you must have access to a valid userid/password capable of exploiting the misconfiguration, and you must have access into the system into an environment which would allow you to execute your binary deck as an authorized program. Not impossible, but very unlikely.

John F. Regus wrote:
It has been pretty much my belief that the 360-390 instruction set was invincible to outside attack because 1) who has a 370 or 390 machine to assemble object code on and 2) to do any damage to a zOS machine (I am not sure of the VM or VSE equivalents...I've forgotten), they would have to be in to have execute their programs in a supervisor state, key of zero. I think programs like these have to come from the LNKLST and updating a LNKLST lib that is not managed by RACF or ACF2, is almost criminal to begin with.... I think some might say well they could write a module on Hercules and take advantage of a system that way. Well, if I am not mistaken, aren't all of Hercules modules ASCII that is emulating EBCDIC op codes.

I should have went further in saying that my contention is that it is impossible for anyone to put malicious code onto a zOS machine based on the main reason above about having to be in key 0 or in a supervisor state, but apparently their are some loopholes in zVM and zLinux, and I am not sure of their equivalents to LNKLST, where the "all and powerfull" to do anything that could corrupt the system would have to originate from.... It is also my contention, that should someone even get access to a machine and write some offensive code, that to externally get to LNKLST or run a batch job or REXX proc to do real harm with ACF2 and RACF in the way, as well as monitors that now show in real time system library updates it would be next to impossible, and that is the center of my thesis...i.e. it is impossible to hack a zOS machine, but now I am having to back off my assertion of just saying "S390" because of the zVM and zLinux problems cited. I thought (well I still think that finding a zVM machine that has portability from laptop to 390 box, leaves me with questions....

I would like to thank those who have been following this and did provide some insight. To those who offered only flip and arrogant answers, particularly the anonymous remailer, I only can say that I hope he has hemorrhoids that both burn and itch so bad that he can't ever in his life get a good nights sleep.

"Sebastian Welton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I remember sometime ago coming across hacking for VM/CMS which can now be
found at:

and here:

and is pretty much out of date. There was also a patch to the Linux/390
kernel which was once posted which allowed a backdoor into these systems
(still have the code somewhere.)


Joel C. Ewing, Fort Smith, AR        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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