Some markings and indentations upthread ascribe comments to me that I did not 

There's no doubt that IBM is some way down the road with an emulation product - 
there are far
too many rumours coming out of the wainscotting for it not to be true.  Those 
however, have very little substance.

What has most interested me is the speed with which this beast has appeared.  
If we are
looking at the end of a long project, then the first part of it was done under 
much more
effective security that ever before seen.  I'm sceptical.

I think we're looking at the results of a relatively short-term project.  This 
might make a
great deal of sense if we postulate zArchitecture on the iSeries.  Crucially, 
both iSeries and
zSeries are EBCDIC.

So we might imagine an application running on an iSeries emulating a zSeries 
instruction flow
including the IPL and execution of z/OS, but the native facilities of the 
underlying iSeries
OS being used for I/O.  This is significantly different to, e.g., FLEX-ES where 
a separate
application in the same system performs I/O management tasks.

We're in for some changes over the next few months.  I don't doubt that 
Platform Solutions'
backers had another milestone defined before the end of 2005, and we haven't 
yet heard whether
that was successful.  Several people have opened up ideas on positioning for 
charges - some have said that IBM has opened the floodgates with its technology 

So if IBM offers a 10% improvement in the MSU/MIPS ratio with each generation, 
based on its
technological improvements, what's to stop someone else offering a 90% 
improvement if they can
base that claim on a greater price/performance improvement in their hardware?

Another idea being bounded about is basing the performance of a "declared" 
system on an Amdahl
comparator rather than an IBM one?  An Omniprise, for example.

What happens if Hewlet-Packard - with comprehensive patent license exchange 
agreements with
IBM - purchases Platform Solutions?

  Phil Payne
  +44 7833 654 800

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