On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 06:52:33 -0600, Chase, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Well, here's a Q&D program that will just loop "for a long time":
>LOOPER  RMODE ANY        in case you're storage-constrained  :-)
>        USING *,15
>        STM   14,12,12(,3)       save caller's regs
>   SR    2,2                zero outer loop counter
>        SR    3,3                zero inner loop counter
>LOOP    EQU   *
>        BCT   3,LOOP             iterate inner
>        BCT   2,LOOP             iterate outer
>        LM    14,12,12(13)       restore caller's regs
>        SR    15,15              set rc=0
>        BR    14                 return to caller
>        END   LOOPER

How about IEFBR15?  ;-)

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America and Farmers Insurance Group
Systems Programming expert at http://Search390.com/ateExperts/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

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