>Another response was to use SMB. But I have no experience with that.
>And, given the general hostility of the Windows people towards the z/OS
>system (and, I admit, the opposite), trying to set up z/OS as a "Windows
>file server" is likely to be met with a "no way." Hum, and likely the
>same on our side as well.

Except that the Windows server people will be *more* hostile to NFS. It's 
more work for them. NFS is not a "native" Windows file system. SMB is. The 
reverse is probably true for Linux and UNIX, although Samba (SMB support 
for Linux) is pretty easy and convenient.

Really, life is too short for your IT people to be sniping at each other. 
Try to learn to get along, OK? What's this about "sides" anyway? You're on 
the same side. You work for the same company. And the businesspeople have 
a business to run. Work together to focus on them.

You got any real reasons besides, "We don't like each other"? There might 
be some, but that was a pretty horrible paragraph IMHO, NSFIBM [Not 
Speaking For IBM].

Let's walk through the alternative. The alternative is more of the same: 
that your Windows "side" will invent some other way to get the job done 
and will hate you even more as they spend half the company's fortune to do 
it. If it's too hard to get the data they need (Web services, ODBC, or SMB 
share -- those are your only convenient options in the Windows world, 
probably in that order, and mainframes do all three very, very well) then 
they'll find a way to generate the data some other way. Your company will 
suffer financially, you'll be out of a job (along with your coworkers), 
and everybody left will be miserable as they deal with the security 
problems, downtime, and resulting lack of sleep. Then your company will 
outsource to IGS, EDS, CSC, or [insert your favorite outsourcer here] 
because the business management will be fed up with the whole IT 
department. And they won't be wrong.

I recommend working together. And, yes, maybe you'll have to learn 
something new. :-)

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Enterprise Software Architect, z9/zSeries
IBM Japan, Ltd.

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