We are having somewhat the same issue, and here is what I am thinking is
a good work around.  You could define certain VLPOOLS to not use Racf.
Our situation is trying to go primarily virtual, but we do have some
native tapes that we use BLP.  I certainly hope that nobody uses BLP on
a virtual tape!!!  Our idea is to use VLPOOL and no RACF on just the
virtual tape ranges.  Since we are running RMM in protect mode we will
still be protected.

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Wood
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 3:09 AM
Subject: Re: RMM & Tape Dataset Protection (was: discrete profiles for
tape protection.)

Bob,  You do now have a very good understanding of how RMM is working
RACF to secure and validate tape volumes and data sets.

As far as I can see, if you do not have TAPEVOL active
- you lose any ability to control the use of BLP. This BLP authorization
is only performed today if TAPEVOL is active and also you need ICHBLP in
FACILITY class to be defined.
- IEHINITT relies on TAPEVOL profiles to check authorization for tape
which contain a VOL1 label.
- used with TVTOCs RACF will check all data sets on the volume not just
the one you are opening.

If you are happy to be running without the above abilities, and are
that the validation rmm does helps further secure access to data on
tape ... then that is good.

In z/OS V1R8 the new tape authorization support specifically addresses
those items in the list above;
- direct calls for ICHBLP from OPEN
- support for authorization checking other files on the volume
- allows TAPEVOL to be active as well if you wish, but only used for
applications such as IEHINITT that issue RACROUTE in TAPEVOL class.

Mike Wood    RMM Development

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