
I think you missed the start of this thread. Our mainframe and our entire Milwaukee datacenter is going away at the end of April. I am looking for a way to potentially convert tapes to a CD offsite - a business that would do that for us. Everything that we think we need we will convert ahead of time, but converting all tapes before we get rid of the mainframe would be very expensive, since we may need nothing, or just 1 or 2 tapes. We won't have a mainframe, or the 3490E tape drives we now have to read our data.

Eric Bielefeld
P&H Mining Equipment

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Hare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.ibm-main
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: Convert 3490E Tapes to CD or DVD

In batch, you could:

1. Use DFSORT/ICETOOL to read the files, convert binary/packed fields to
human-readable (don't forget the sign!), and write it to a temporary  file
which is passed to part 2

2. Use FTP with  "PUT '//DD:ddname' somefilename"  to write the temporary
file to some FTP server.  EBCDIC => ASCII will happen "automagically".

Depending upon how much space the file server has, you could potentially
transfer all of the critical tape files first, and then burn CDs

I'd use CA-1 or whatever tape management system you have,  with some
reporting tool to determine the  sizes of the files to be moved, and also
to weed out the ones which haven't been used in a long long time = we use
SAS with the output of CA-1's TMSDATA utility for this kind of thing, but
you can user other stuff.  You may find that you have a lot of very small
files, and in fact
may be able to fit a lot of them on one CD.

Another alternative would be to write the output of step 1 to USS
diretories, then do an FTP 'Get' from them to the PC with the CD burner,
but I assume management wouldn't want to allocate permanent space for the

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation

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