Charles Mills wrote:
Gee, how hard could it be to write COPY 'DSN1' 'DSN2' in Rexx? I suppose the "entire PDS" would be a little tricky. I'd leave out the bug-prone numbering options. What does LRECL/RECFM do? Let you re-block if you are creating an entire dataset? ASCII? I probably skip that also. If you need the data in ASCII, you must need it somewhere else, so let FTP translate it.
To use REXX for these functions, you need a supporting environment. Under TSO you need SYSDSN or a similar function, and ALLOCATE. If you are allocating a new PDS member, or need a member list, the ISPF/PDF LMxxx services are handy. To copy a PDS in its entirety, it's probably easier to allocate the files and invoke IEBCOPY than to use REXX I/O.
Not quite ten years ago I worked on a project for which this support was required under the covers, and it wasn't pretty. It would have been faster to write, and execute, written in assembler using DESERV and access methods, but management decided that the REXX code would be easier to maintain in the long run.
Gerhard Postpischil Bradford, VT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at