In one of our exits, we use TPUT with USERIDL=(15) where register 15 
points to a user ID.  You don't need to know the ASID.  The code is fairly 
old, predates some newer WTO enhancements for inserting text into 
messages.  WTO3 is moved into WTOAREA, then we move things into it to form 
the message we want, and finally we TPUT it to the user.  R15 in the real 
exit is set by looping through a table of users that are authorized to 
receive their notification via this method, but the point is that R0 
points to the length, R1 points to the message text (I think WTOAREA+4 
skips over some stuff needed by "real" WTO) and R15 points to the user ID 
to receive the message.

If the user is signed on, the message is sent to them, interrupting 
whatever they're doing. If they're not signed on, I believe it goes 
nowhere (maybe their LOG file).

         LA R15,SOMEUSER 

TPUT2    EQU   * 
         L     R0,=A(WTO3MSGL)          = MESSAGE LENGTH 
         LA    R1,WTOAREA+4             -> MESSAGE 
         TPUT  (1),(0),USERIDL=(15)     SEND MESSAGE 
===================  later on  in the source ========================


WTO3     WTO   ' 
WTO3L    EQU   *-WTO3 
WTO3MSGL EQU   (*-WTO3)-8   

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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