1)  The latest or the greatest?
   Notwithstanding what it says about &SYSM_HSEV in
   HLASM General Information R5 (GC26-4943-04),
   Appendix B. System Variable Symbols, it seems reasonable
   to assume that it contains the greatest MNOTE severity
   so far in the assembly.

2)  It's not clear exactly when PUNCHed data is written to
   SYSPUNCH and/or SYSLIN.  If they are buffered and
   written out only when complete, then abandoning the
   assembly (if that's possible) will prevent erroneous or
   incomplete JCL being submitted.  If they are written
   out at the time the PUNCH statement is encountered,
   they may be irretrievable, especially if SYSOUT still
   emulates unit record devices as it always used to.

3)  You obviously have more experience with pornography
   than I.

From: john gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU>
Subject: Re: submit job from SYSPUNCH
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 15:15:33 +0000


 >  Why don't you have SYSPUNCH SYSOUT=(*,INTRDR)?

Because it's a good idea to check the assembly completion code to ensure that the generated JCL is good. That way you can avoid submitting partially and/or incorrectly built jobs to the internal reader.

The original suggestion that a two-step scheme be used seemed to me to share a salient characteristic with certain kinds of pornography: One looks at them and thinks to oneself, "I see that it can be done that way, but why?"

The assembler's 'completion code' can be checked WITHIN a single assembly step using the value of the HLASM system variable symbol &SYSM_HSEV, as in

|&abort    setb   (&SYSM_HBSEV ge &abort_severity_level)
|             aif      &abort).abort

in which &abort_severity_level, initialized in a SETA statement, has any desired value, for concreteness say 4.

John Gilmore
Ashland, MA 01721-1817

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