Hi Radoslaw,

In your post in response to Wayne, you wrote 

".........But seriously: I have business reasons to allow some folks to issue 
DISPLAY (and some MODIFY) commands. I can filter the commands very precisely, 
for example I can allow to F CICSA, but not CICSB. However *every* person 
having such (limited) access is also able to blow up our DB2 subsystem."

This situation is not the case on my z/OS 1.6 System. I recently opened Display 
authority within SDSF to allow certain uses to display the status of various 
network components. If I log on to one of these userids and type /-DB8G STOP 
DDF the command is rejected by SDSF as being an authorised attempt.

Whilst I accept that attempting to stop DDF rather than DB2 in its entirety is 
not quite the same, the point is that SDSF stopped the command, whilst it did 
allow /D SMF.

I haven't got any User's authorised to issue the modify command so I cannot 
comment specifically at that higher level of authority, but certainly Display, 
at least on my system, does not give authority to close DB2. As a point of 
interest I also have a VTAM application which issue various shutdown commands, 
and whilst it can close some tasks either via Cancel or Stop, it cannot close 
DB2 at present as its command is declared unauthorised.

My system also has a simplistic approach in this area in that RACF is not, as 
far as I know, exploited from an SDSF perspective, it is only the SDSF Parm 
member which controls security.

Kind regards - Terry

Terry Sambrooks
KMS-IT Limited
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