On Thursday 15 June 2006 17:07, Thomas David Rivers wrote:

>  http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6886160.html
>  A method of distributing mainframe software and data using PC-based
>  data media is disclosed, comprising a mainframe program for
>  converting a mainframe sequential dataset or all or part of a
>  mainframe library of texts or load modules to a sequential dataset
>  of fixed length records ...

A number of similar solutions were quite common in the 1980s and the 
1990s.  Below, I pasted part of the comments from the 1995 version of 
the SYSMOVE utility program which is still distributed on the CBT tape.  
I stopped using SYSMOVE in 1996 or 1997 when I learned about TRANSMIT 
OUTDA() from Doug Nadel.

This is yet another example of how the U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) is 
broken - this patent should never have been issued in the first place.  
Software patents are a very bad idea anyway.


 Gilbert Saint-Flour
 GSF Software

Using SYSMOVE to distribute a PDS on PC diskettes. 
    SYSMOVE provides a convenient way to distribute a PDS via 
    PC diskette, using the following procedure: 
      1. unload the PDS with SYSMOVE 
      2. download the unloaded data set to a PC in EBCDIC 
         using the "RECEIVE" command: 
             RECEIVE pc_file_name unloaded_data_set_name 
      3. pack the PC file with PKZIP (or equivalent) 
      4. copy the packed file to a diskette 
      5. send the diskette out; whoever you send it to 
         does not need SYSMOVE to process it. 
   On the receiving MVS system, re-create the PDS as follows: 
      1. unpack the diskette file (if it's been packed) 
      2. upload the unpacked file in EBCDIC using the "SEND" command: 
             SEND pc_file_name unloaded_data_set_name 
                  recfm(fb) lrecl(80) blksize(800) 
      3. load the uploaded data set into a PDS using IEHMOVE: 
         //DD2    DD DISP=OLD,UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=nonsms 
         //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* 
            COPY      DSNAME=IBMUSER.UNLOAD,                    X
                      TO=3380=nonsms,                           X
                      RENAME=IBMUSER.MYPDS,                     X

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