Software costs really get my goat - having spent a lot of time and effort
dealing with vendors in the past.

the quotes list is most of the 'usual suspects'
however like the film non of them are the real culprit

There are myriad reasons in the case of software, including differing:
- support costs
don't see how these change - local sales costs maybe (but they ain't support
costs) for companies that push salesmen door to door. But the level 3 team
will still be where it is and the larger companies will have centralised
help desk operations. the smaller companies tend to sell in their own
markets and not gouge too much on price. some even have a good business
model for both sides of the bargain - SELCOPY anyone ?
- language translation
gimme a break - that a feature added to a product to enable entry into new
markets. that should be a vendor costs not a customer cost. also as
international business language is English I take this to really refer to 
DBCS land and the size of those markets make it well worthwile for the
vendor. But if I buy in the original language I should not pay a bean extra
for all the other ones.
And multi-language support in software not the pain it used to be. Now if it
meant all the documentation was also translated into the target language I
could see 'some' justification - but how many are ?  
- local marketing and sales expenses
Cover for the market segmentation imposed by dealer agreements by companies
(or regional price variation being forced by the global sellers). And as for
free movemnet of goods and prices in the EU - gimme a break. haven't looked
for a while but how many vendors sell at a consistent priice in Euros across
the EU. When its a global to global arrangement e.g. IBM to transglobal
multinational what has this to do with anything ?
- currency rates (prices are not adjusted every day!)
nor should they be - it doesn't cost much to cut a tape and send the
software off, the cost is so low that currency fluctuation will not affect
it. besides the vendors hedge their currencty position anyway - they pay
their CFO for that so ask the next vendor who throws this one at you why
their CFO is not doing his job. Software not traded on the open market like
commodities or oil so currency fluctuations are primarily on the income side
those on the outgoing side are due to cost of doing business locally which
will have already been built into the business plans by the vendor before
they sold item 1.
- compliance
err - with what ? the international software pricing treaty ? what customer
compliance is the issue here ? if it is not delivering cutomer complianc
then ther is no bottonm line value attributable to compliance by the
customer. And if there were that would merely make it a primary salection
criteria when short listing products. 
- legal and regulatory regimes
see previous answers. 
- tariffs and taxes
taxes are added after costs, if pricing was based on a real cost with an
even markup then country differences would be easily explainable by tax
differences. but they aren't. vendors change the pre tax price to suit thus
showing that they have a LOT of flexibility in their 'base' cost.
- warranty terms
err - anyone any experience of a vendor giving different warranties in
different countries. bearing in mind that the same level 3 team will be
supporting the product no matter where it is sold this would be a logistical
nightmare for the vendor. A globalised help desk would equally be - fancy
reporting in the SLAs for VENDOR X helpdesk and support that have three
global helpdesks and support 120 different warranties (Ts and Cs). yeah
right. Next time one throws you this ball ask them for the complete set of
different warranty terms that they support after all its a global economy
and one of your other parts may be interested or you may move Operations or
the whole company abroad in the future and this could have a bearing on that
- market size
huh ? why ? software manufacturing and direct support costs have nothing to
do with this. And if its that much oif an inbflunce I will buy of from a
different country - and let that country support it. How many vendors argue
against you doing this  ? now if you are proposing buying from a country
that has better economies for the vendor then the vendor will make more
profit from it. But from some sgtrane reason they fight to stop customers
from doing it. hmmmm makes you wonder. 

Don't get me started on 'List' prices or.. or support costs tagged to List
prices or or or.. better yet 'Value pricing' or or .. or.. 'Its not our
policy to ...' arrghh !!! I will have a fit and throw a real diatribe then...

"The biggest trick the software vendors ever pulled was convincing everyone
that they don't have ultimate control over their own prices."

!And like that, your software budget was gone'

:]this_soapbox-never_off = 1

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