Depending on your traffic workload, a Cisco CIP can be VERY usefull for
TN3270 traffic.  Our CIP is the tn3270 server, frontended by Cisco SSL
hardware.  The Cisco CIP looks like SNA 3270 devices instead of IP devices.
Those connect to VTAM directly, without I/O thru the TCPIP stack on z/OS or
the crypto chips (that we don't have).

We run over 1000 TN3270 sessions at times on a 160 MIP system, before this
config, TCPIP was the largest CPU user, now it's off the top 5 list most of
the time.  We do use OSA for all other TCP/IP traffic and a hidden TN3270
for sysprogs.

> I beleive that Cisco has a ESCON CIP for the 7500 series routers.  So
> you could use ESCON to 7500 for IP connectivity.  I don't think there
> are any networking devices that support FICON, as FICON is based on FCP
> which is for SAN the communcation.  At least it is my understanding that
> FICON is based on FCP, could be FCP is based on FICON.

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