OK, let's start with the most important question first:
Do you have PTF UA90076 (IOCP 1.2 support, APAR OA06464) installed?
If not, two things:
1. Get and install it, and try again.
2. Get any other service you are missing from the PSP bucket,
upgrade name 2086DEVICE, subset 2086/ZOS, and install that, too.
If so: Do you have STEPLIBs or other DD statements (or
equivalent allocations in CLISTs or REXX execs) that are pointing
your TSO/E session to some or all of the libraries for the old
level of HCD?
Bruce McKnight wrote:
Thanks for the reply. Those are all good points. Rather than address
them individually, I'll try the Cliff Notes approach.
This IO gen has been pushed to the SE with various flavors since March,
2005. We were doing some R&D with various configurations, mostly
revolving around DASD optimization. The last successful IOCP gen was
July 7, 2005. At the time, the box was running OS/390 2.10.
I did all the standard stuff via HCD --
make a copy of the current production SYS1.IODF01 to SYS1.IODF02.WORK
make the changes
use HCD 2.1 to create a production SYS1.IODF02 from SYS1.IODF02.WORK
use HCD 2.2 to build a new IOCDS from SYS1.IODF02
(We create a new work file with an incremented IODF suffix instead of
rewriting the same IODF in case we have a issue that gets past
The last step builds the JCL and submits the job that produced the
output I posted.
The only thing that has changed since last July is the OS upgrade. We
also had a significant microcode upgrade since then but it was only on
the DR box. I get the same job failure symptoms when I try to do this
with the production box but the prod box has not had the microcode
upgrades yet. This leave the OS upgrade as the most likely suspect.
I read the latest version of the "IOCP User's Guide for ICP IOCP" over
the weekend but it didn't provide any new insights.
Thanks for the help!
-- Bruce
John Eells
z/OS Technical Marketing
IBM Poughkeepsie
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