I find it diffcult to jump from function to function. On 3270 I type in
the short name and I'm there. On the web I have to maneuver too many
screens to get to where I want to be.
I don't agree, Jon. almost every screen on IBMLINK 2000 has a link in the top left for "servicelink" which takes you back to the main menu, so only two clicks takes you to whatever function you need, and your hand never leaves the mouse, no keying. Many screens also have quick links to related functions, such as the SIS app has links to ETR and SRD. Your browser will let you open any of those links as a new window or tab, so you can have multiple apps open at once (can't do that 3270). I find it fast and convenient. Naturally we are all most comfortable using whatever interface we are familiar with, since we don't have to think about it. So you are probably more productive on the 3270 interface now. But I suggest you give the web interface more exercise, especially if you haven't use it recently.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
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web: www.innovationdp.fdr.com

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