
I used your post as a prompt to read up on this "enhancement" I have heard
about from time to time in this "forum".

Here's my thoughts on your "NextGen 3270" document:

Unfortunately "Bit Bucket x'1F'" is not/no longer available so I am unable
to review "the whole story".

<For the benefit of those not steeped in this topic:>

The name PSERVIC, for "presentation services", is the name of the MODEENT
macro keyword operand used to create the mode table entry in the assembled
mode table referenced by the VTAM entity describing the representation of
the logical unit, for example, LU, LOCAL, APPL or CDRSC statements. PSERVIC
is described in section, "PSERVIC" of z/OS Communications Server
SNA Resource Definition Reference.

The names beginning with BINPS refer to fields in the DSECT which maps
fields within the BIND request data for use by a VTAM program. These names
can be found in section F.1.14, "BIND area format and DSECT" of z/OS
Communications Server SNA Programming.

The data provided by the value of the PSERVIC operand map to the fields with
names beginning with BINPS because they are the same parts of the BIND
request data.


The "Query Reply", the request data sent in response to the "Read Partition
Query" request, contains 4 presentation space dimensions fields, a row and
column for the alternate dimensions, used when the space is initialized
using an "Erase Write Alternate" 3270 command, and a row and column for the
default, seemingly called "primary" in some circles, dimensions used when
the space is initialized using an "Erase Write" 3270 command.

Thus the default presentation space dimensions need *not* necessarily always
be 24 rows and 80 columns. It may only be a convention that they are so
limited, a convention established by the choice taken by devices which
follow the initial design choice of the models 3, 4 and 5 3278 displays. The
design choice was taken for obvious reasons, namely that, when using the
alternate dimensions, newer applications could be accommodated while. using
the default dimensions, existing older applications could be accommodated.

Also any applications which didn't bother to check the equivalent of the
penultimate byte of the PSERVIC operand but just assumed the 24 rows and 80
columns dimensions would continue to work.

"suboptimal" depends on what you want to do. I expect you mean "suboptimal"
from the point of view of a developer of software who wishes to exploit the
possibility to use different presentation space dimensions. Possibly also
from the point of view of a user who has enough clout to bully the developer
of a highly used application into exploiting the possibility to use
different presentation space dimensions. By the heavily used application, I
mean, of course, TSO.

I'm wondering why all this effort described in "NextGen 3270" was made. 24
rows and 80 columns is *not* necessarily forced. Is there architecture-level
documentation somewhere that says it should be?[1] If so, were the authors
of that documentation not communicating with the people who designed the
"Query Reply" request unit who must surely also be dubbed "architects"?
There's not even a protocol requirement that it should be. That is, it's not
as if anything should break if, say, an emulator were to return default
presentation space dimensions other than 24 rows by 80 columns. Surely
applications should - if they are worth their salt - check the returned
default dimensions and UNBIND if they don't like what they see. If they
don't they should be "APARed" to do so. If they are "out there" with no
support or obstinate support - I've experienced such sterling obduracy -
then whoever sets up the emulator configuration will have to make the
compensation. Is this perhaps the "blood on the carpet" stuff in the
document I can no longer get at?

[1] While preparing this for posting, I filled in the references and that
brought me to what the VTAM Programming manual said about BINPSZ3. It
happens to include the text "24 rows and 80 columns" and is unintelligible
thereafter - which stands out rather given that the neighbouring
descriptions make sense. Unfortunately "SNA Formats", the relevant
architecture manual spurns all LU types other than LU 6.2 so this Appendix
in the VTAM Programming manual is the closest one can easily get to any
documentation on this subject. I contend that what is specified in the VTAM
Programming manual should not be regarded as definitive - even if it made
sense - since it is *not* an architecture manual and may, in this case,
merely be trying to describe the practice of the initial 3270 devices which
supported default and alternate presentation space dimensions.

I can't see how having yet another option in the coding of PSERVIC helps in
understanding that the 7E, 7F and 03 options, as it were, already exist.
This refers to the contention that having dimensions other that the default
is a "secret".

It's my belief that the 00 option specification is like LU type 0, in other
words, "all bets are off". You, namely the logic behind the primary and
secondary half-sessions, make of it what you will. I seem to remember that
some applications, maybe NetView before it was called NetView, i.e. NCCF,
probably also HCF, maybe even CICS in days gone by (clearly TSO was/is
fussy!) just assumed the usual 24 rows and 80 columns dimensions. I've
checked my notes on these matters but can't see this specified precisely

One point that worries me about the 00 option is the "S3270" mode table
entry in ISTINCLM. This has no PSERVIC operand specified which means that,
by default, it specifies the 00 option. I expect in the mid and late
seventies the applications that appeared at that time supporting 3270
devices tolerated the 00 option in the S3270 mode table entry and simply
assumed the ubiquitous "model 2" dimensions. I expect this applied/applies
to TSO.

Perhaps the 00 option should be given this new role you propose only when LU
2 protocols are used. If customers still use the S3270 mode table entry or
have their own mode table entries which do not specify the PSERVIC operand,
possibly because they copied what was specified for the S3270 entry before
they made their changes, maybe introducing subarea COS operands, you should
not blindly allow the use of the "Read Partition Query".

I would have preferred the use of a code other that X'00' in the penultimate
byte if it is really necessary. Reuse of something which exists already in
protocols is always open to unexpected consequences.

I see the APAR applies only to TSO but I don't see it being limited to LU
type 2.

I can't see any harm in having an emulator
(a) allow the specification of the default dimensions
(b) always return both the specified default and alternate dimensions when a
Read Partition Query is received

There can be "harm" if whoever customises the emulator somehow imagines that
mere specification of different default dimensions will cause the
application to respond appropriately. Indeed such harm is already possible
if the application cannot respond properly to the specification of the
*alternate* dimensions - see Peter Hunkeler's posts in this thread. As
usual, there's no substitute for understanding what you are doing. One can
go too far in trying to prevent foot-shooting.

This is all to suggest that insisting that the emulator notes that the 00
option (BINPSZ0) is in use should be unnecessary.

I don't quite follow the points you list about NVAS. The conclusion seems to
be that NVAS as it is would tolerate default dimensions other than 24 rows
and 80 columns but surely this is only currently with the 03 option and not
the 00 option.

It's inappropriate to suggest that there is any BIND negotiation (the SMCS
points). This just gets some of the list participants unduly excited. <g>

In terms of "Where to go from here", to my mind the key point is to
encourage developers of 3270 emulators to allow the default size to be
specified. Thus, when "queried", the default dimensions may be other than 24
rows and 80 columns. Application developers can then use the full
specifications provided either by the "Query Reply" - or - in the BIND
presentation services field when the 7F and 7E options are used. If the
application developer doesn't like the former, the session can be "unbound"
or if it doesn't like the latter, the CINIT request (containing the BIND
image) can be rejected. A suitable sense code, "unacceptable presentation
space dimensions"?, can be inserted in both cases. Unfortunately, while
checking for another post on this topic I could not find such a suitable
sense code.

I hope you explain that D4x32XX0 mode table entries are *not* (yet) provided
in ISTINCLM. Thus you should explain how to create them.

This is the end of comments on what is present in the "NextGen 3270"
document. Now for what is not present:

I find it very surprising - given there has been supposedly so much
discussion of these matters - that you nowhere deal with the possibility to
use default dimensions other than 24 rows and 80 columns under the 03
option. It's such an obvious suggestion even if there's some fatal flaw in
the idea which I'm too feeble to imagine.

However, I've been doing some "designing" of my own. Let us assume that,
using the 03 option, in effect, returning the default presentation space
dimensions in the "Query Reply" is redundant: they will always be 24 rows by
80 columns, the application is entitled to expect this and ignores whatever
is returned for the default presentation space dimensions, the emulator
ignores whatever is specified as the default presentation space dimensions,
if such customization is available, and always overrides with 24 rows and 80
columns and so anticipates the formatting which will be provided when an
"Erase Write" command appears.

Now let us propose that, using the 00 option - although I would have
preferred a new option, say an 04 option - the default presentation space
dimensions in the "Query Reply" are significant: they can be other than 24
rows by 80 columns, the application knows to pay attention to whatever is
returned for the default presentation space dimensions, the emulator also
respects whatever is specified as the default presentation space dimensions,
if such customization is available, but uses 24 rows and 80 columns when
such customization is not available and anticipates using the specified
dimensions for the formatting which will be provided when an "Erase Write"
command appears.

Thus the emulator is capable of providing three formats for the presentation
space on its own initiative, as it were:

1. 24 rows and 80 columns when the "Erase Write" command is used and the
BIND contained the 03 option
2. customized default dimensions when the "Erase Write" command is used and
the BIND contained the 00 (04) option
3. customized alternate dimensions when the "Erase Write Alternate" command
is used and the BIND contained either the 00 (04) option or the 03 option

It may also be capable of providing others, of course, if dimensions other
than any customized are imposed when the BIND contains either the 7F or the
7E option. Of course, the emulator could reject a BIND where an attempt to
impose such dimensions differed from the customized dimensions but I would
consider such behaviour rather inflexible.

For completeness, dimensions of 24 rows and 80 columns are used for both the
"Erase Write" and the "Erase Write Alternate" commands when the 02 option is
used. (We'll pass over any 01 option!)

Since you'd got me musing over these matters my ideas wandered ever further.
Since the 7th to 10th bytes of PSERVIC are not expected to contain any
values according to the way the 03 option is currently defined - and no
customer systems programmer should have had the lack of wit to specify
anything there for a locally created mode table entry - perhaps one may use
the 7th and 8th bytes for an override for the default values specified in
the emulator customization and the 9th and 10th bytes for an override for
the alternate values specified in the emulator customization.

I've described this addition in terms of the PSERVIC operand but it may be
of greater use when the application sets the values in the BIND image
between receiving the CINIT request unit (the VTAM LOGON exit) and sending
the BIND request unit (the VTAM OPNDST call).

This is the sort of discussion I would expect to have found somewhere.
Perhaps it exists in that file I cannot access.

Chris Mason

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Edward Jaffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.ibm-main
Sent: Tuesday, 22 August, 2006 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: >27x132?

> Tom Marchant wrote:
> > On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 09:13:51 -0700, Edward Jaffe
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> For users that need to use TSO/ISPF, I recommend 51x80 primary
> >> screen size and either 51x132 or 62x132 alternate screen size.
> >>
> >
> > Does anyone know how to set the primary screen size in IBM Personal
> > Communications?
> >
> It can be set only from the host side. There is no function to set it
> from the client side. You might find my 'NextGen 3270 Update' in
> Baltimore Bit Bucket X'20' of interest. Get it from:
> -- 
> Edward E Jaffe
> Phoenix Software International, Inc
> 5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
> Los Angeles, CA 90045
> 310-338-0400 x318
> http://www.phoenixsoftware.com/

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