It all becomes one big philosophical debate based upon where you sit. I've 
worked on OS/MFT, OS/MVT, VS1, MVS/SP, ESA, XA, OS/390, and Z/OS.

The core functions have grown over the years, and the OS has gotten more 
complex as things like 31 bit and 64 bit came along. What does your own 
experience lead you to believe is necessary and not...and we come back to 
it depends. If I have a CICS user, then CICS is part of his or her OS 
cloud. If it's a NOMAD user, or SAS, PL/1, COBOL, FORTRAN, or HLASM, that 
would be part of that percieved universe.

It begins to sound like the blind men trying to describe an elephant based 
on touch.

Daniel McLaughlin
ZOS Systems Programmer
Crawford & Company
PH: 770 621 3256

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