Daniel, We attempted the zVM with multiple instances of Linux running under it. As a technician, I thought it was a great concept. However, we ran into more non-technical issues that eventually killed the project. 1) Politics 2) Planning (Lack of) - Support Structures, Tuning, Training, Operations, DR, backups....etc,..etc.. All the things we have on the mainframe side of the house, should have been considered before we even got to the installation phase. 3) Expectations - Start slow. One of the first applications considered was one of our biggest DB2 database applications. Although never implemented in Linux, it was not a wise decision. 4) Cost - To get the benefits of virtualization,.. you have to have enough applications running to reach a break-even point. We had only one production Linux guest, and it was an in-house application supporting our front office. We had other Linux guests, but they were strictly used as sandboxes. of course,... these I strictly my opinions. Question came up here about moving to Linux from a host of servers.
1. Have any of you experienced this? 2. Did you go native LINUX or 3. Multiple issues of Linux under Z/VM? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html