On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 07:35:02 -0600, Mark Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>I am planning to install a small Z9 BC next month and I would like to have
>an ETS for the mainframe.  I do not need a Sysplex Timer or the STP
>It looks like NTP and GPS time sources are a Statement of Direction for
>STP, but what about a simple modem?   I do not want to install STP for
>thousands of dollars, if I can get the same function (ETS) with a $20
>modem.  Also, I already have NTP and GPS timer sources for my network,
>Windows servers and workstations, I prefer to use that ETS functionality
>without spending thousands of dollars for an STP that I do not need in a
>one CEC sysplex.

$0 to use our existing GPS NTP is great.  A $20 modem for ETS on the HMC 
is very reasonable.   An $8,000 (?) STP feature for ETS is not.  Since, 
IBM has not announced how ETS will be supported on the Z9 and whether the 
STP feature is required for ETS, I will wait for updates.         


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