Sorry, but I forgot to cross-post this to the IBM-MAIN list.
John Ehrman
    (------------------ Referenced Note Follows --------------------)
Date: 21 November 2006, 15:27:26 PST
From: John R. Ehrman            408-463-3543 T/543-  EHRMAN   at STLVM27

Regarding strong typing: there have been many, many extensions
to the conditional assembly language in recent years that make
it easy to implement any strength of strong typing. My macro
tutorial (SHARE 106 in Seattle, session 8167) had several
examples: simple forms that detect probable errors such as a
L of a halfword operand, all the way to "very strong" typing
where you can associate your own types to variables (such as
distance, weight, etc.) in integer or floating point formats,
and also assign units of measure to them (such as feet, miles,
meters, and kilometers; and pounds and kilograms) and then
detect not only inconsistent operations on them, but also convert
units when necessary such as assigning a distance variable in
kilometers to one in feet.

I know of no HLL that can do this. With macros, it's easy.

I vaguely remember a QUAL or HEAD pseudo-op. Shmuel, do you
have any references? Or know of any web sites that might have
scanned the manual(s)?

Regards... John Ehrman

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