I really don't mind Steve's mentions of his courses, but I have to agree with what Graeme said quoted below also. I know a few posters, specifically Bruce Black, often mention their products. Bruce and Steve have so many good answers, that even if you don't like their promoting their products, they contribute a lot to the list.

By the way Steve, how is the market for your classes going? I know a while back you weren't doing anything, and thinking of chucking the whole business. Is it better now?

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. z/OS Systems Programmer
Lands End
Dodgeville, Wisconsin

There have been times in the last 12 months where I've felt that a few posters have strained the promotional envelope on IBM-MAIN.

Clearly it's all a matter of achieving balance. So long as Steve's posts are offering useful explanations, corrections, examples or a nudge in the right direction that is relevant to the thread raised by the OP, then IMO it's ok to mention a relevant training offering that he has available. "Relevant" would mean that it might have helped the OP avoid having to post at all and "mention" should be little more than a link to all the gory detail on a website.

I've always felt sympathy for Steve's awkward position here as the more detailed help he gives, the more effective IBM-MAIN is bailing newbies 'n wannabes out, and this can be seen by the shortsighted and the lazy as undercutting the need for his paid services. Go Steve!

Seasons greetings and regards to all,

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