At 2/17/2007 09:21 PM, PGilmartin wrote:
Have you ever been caught in the middle between a vendor who believes that an automated expiry warning from the product is all that's needed to cause a payment, and an Accounts Payable department that won't cut a check without an invoice? The user must pay attention to the warning; ask Accounts Payable to send a check; wait for A-P to reply, "No invoice; no check"; plead with the vendor to send an invoice; wait for the vendor to generate an invoice outside standard process; check alternately with vendor and A-P whether invoice has been sent and/or received; plead with vendor for temporary key when latencies add up to more than warning interval. Etc. Suppose further that the vendor has only one competitor, and that competitor has announced end-of-marketing of its product.

It is naive for a vendor to think, just because a customers accounts payable procedures might be in conflict with the terms of a license agreement, that they therefore can ignore the A-P requirements. It's more than naive. It is down right stupid.

RPOs, POs and invoices are all necessary parts of the A-P process, and the better a vendor understands, cooperates with and *assists* in the process, the more often:
  - The licensing will be renewed on time,
  - Payment will be made on time,
  - And licensing keys will be updated on time.

At least that's been our experience.

Dave Cole              REPLY TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cole Software          WEB PAGE:
736 Fox Hollow Road    VOICE:    540-456-8536
Afton, VA 22920        FAX:      540-456-6658

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