On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:12:11 -0400, Carol Srna 

> (*) NameServer(s) = None
> (*) LookUp        = DNS LOCAL

Aha!  The resolver has been told it should first use name servers for
name resolution, but has not been given any name servers to talk to.

 Unable to find any local host table 

And it could not find any local host files/DSNs either.

Oh!  Double aha!  From
  Global Tcp/Ip Dataset  = None 
  Default Tcp/Ip Dataset = None 
  Local Tcp/Ip Dataset   = None
I see you have no TCPDATA.  No global or default TCPDATA specified in 
RESOLVER parms and no SYSTCPD DD statement in the jobstream.
Your TCP/IP system programmers need to be shot (unless they are
you, of course).

There are a number of ways to provide TCPDATA for the installation.
The easiest is probably to allocate SYS1.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) - one
of the datasets the TCP/IP stack will look for and dynamically allocate.
(The are LOTS of alternative techniques.  Too many for the topic to be
called "straightforward".)

I can't give suggestions for the contents of TCPDATA; it is mostly site-
specific.   Hopefully this is from an environment that missed getting set
up correctly, and you have other environments you can model it on.

Good luck.

Pat O'Keefe

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