Gee, thanks everybody for telling me about MP overhead and SRB time and time-slicing and the rationale for MSUs. <g>
Would someone care to go out on a limb and give me a direct yes or no on my basic question? If a jobstep is reported to have used .02 CPU seconds, for example, that means it spent .02 seconds executing on one CPU, or a total of .02 seconds spread across multiple CPUs -- the number reported is irrespective of the total MSU horsepower of the box, correct? Presumably on a faster CPU, it would use fewer seconds -- but not fewer on a box rated at more MSUs due to more CPUs of the same speed. Is that right (neglecting MP overhead, marketing MSUs, SRB time, etc., etc.)? Charles ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at