Rich Smrcina wrote:
I agree that the technology is certainly getting better at allowing
this sort of thing, but:
a) can be difficult at some customer shops due to internal security
concerns. Some may not even let you connect to their network without
a virus scan, let alone get out to the internet.
b) IMHO these are still prohibitively expensive, not the cards
themselves, but the service.
YMMV and of course your opinions may vary...
Not intending to suggest one company's offerings over another. I just
looked up what Sprint PCS charges for mobile broadband service. The
plans are:
$39.99 Flexible Data Plan (40 megabytes (MB) of usage; $.001/kb overage;
after $99.99 usage is free/unlimited.)
$59.99 Unlimited Connect (2 year subscriber agreement required. Net of
all discounts.)
$79.99 Unlimited Connect (1 year subscriber agreement required.)
Not bad! For someone that can afford $ thousands for a laptop running
z/OS and ten times that for a z9+DASD, these charges seem extremely
And, of course for the really destitute ISV living out of his/her car,
nationwide 56K dial-up is still available for around $10/month.
Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318
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