Clark Morris wrote:
On 12 May 2007 13:44:55 -0700, in you wrote:

Mark Zelden wrote:
As far as more options... I know you use Sun/STK like we do... I think
I heard VTCS 6.2 will have some help there.
VTCS 6.2 supports 4GB VTVs. Before compression.
AFAIK, new IBM VTS supports even 12GB VTVs.
The 3 year old computer this is being typed on has 80 GB.  My wife's
one year old laptop, has 100 GB and the small external drive on top of
the desktop has 320 GB.  Should I be impressed with a 12 GB VTV that
would require multiple volumes to back up any of the aforementioned
drives if full?  Let's see, 25+ volumes for the external drive that is
not much bigger than the 3480 cartridge I have somewhere in my room.

100% agreed. However, please, don't beat a messenger <g>
I only provided some information, I even didn't say "it's fine".
IMHO it would be nice to have *much* larger virtual volumes, especially with maxsize defined by customer - like in VTCS MGMTCLAS definition.
My $0.02

BTW: Has your wife (owner of 100GB disk in the laptop) told you, that your "enterprise system" volumes are funny ? It's in weird format (CKD - what is it?) and really small. 54GB are "new" while some installations use 27, 8.5 or eve 2.8 GB volumes. What a shame! <g>

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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NIP: 526-021-50-88
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opacony) wynosi 118.064.140 z. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego 
podwyszenia kapitau zakadowego, na podstawie uchwa XVI WZ z dnia 21.05.2003 
r., kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA moe ulec podwyszeniu do kwoty 118.760.528 
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