Chris Mason wrote:
software at all, Types 1, 2, 3 or 4. I remember only because of the enormous row - led by Phil Nesbit if anyone remembers him - over the possibility that the Assembler compiler may not be delivered with the operating system which was to continue to be free - or "at no additional cost with the hardware". It may be that the presenter hadn't got this issue correctly specified in his notes, winged it and winged it the wrong way.

The OS/360 materials could not be used as a viable system, but installations had to generate one to their preferences. And both the stage 1 and some stage 2 steps required an assembler, so IBM really didn't have a practical choice. For MVS they provided the XF assembler free as part of the distribution, and the early high-level assembler for a charge. I keep wondering whether the availability of the Waterloo G assembler spurred development of H, or gave them an excuse to charge?

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

new e-mail address: gerhardp (at) charter (dot) net

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