Define better. When the z/OS system does not have the FTP server running 
then IND$FILE is better. Either way, you still need to know all of the 
parameters for transferring files.

data type - binary for non-text files- think the output from TRANSMIT or your 
one member (non load module) -ASCII CRLF for text files only. ASCII if you 
want to be able to view it on the PC. You could download in binary as long as 
you upload in binary.

Viewing a xmit or iebcopy file without an application that knows what to do 
with EBCDIC data can be a waste of time.

If you bring it down as lrecl 80 then make sure you send it back up with lrecl 
80. Your terminal emulator has settings you need to adjust when using 
IND$FILE. FTP requires agreement between your ftp client and the FTP server. 
QUOTE SITE RECFM=FB LRECL=80 is an example of how you override the 
server default expectation. There are other parameters you may need to 
provide depending on your FTP server's default settings.

I have used both IEBCOPY and TRANSMIT format. I switched to TRANSMIT 
because there are pc applications that can read it.

>o Specify binary for the transfer.
>o Use FTP instead of IND$FILE.
>-- gil

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