Clem Clarke wrote:
All good ideas come from a single individual, and by constantly putting roadblocks in their paths, progress stops. Patents and copyrights mean that people cannot "stand on the shoulders" of those who went in front of them When you make a judgment (that stifling the competition, for example) is only way to operate a business, or company or country, then all other methods (such as co-operation or even co-petition) are locked out

And so, with developers unable to get easy access to mainframes, I see innovation in that area dying out.
It can be no other way.

It's a shame, but unless IBM does do a big rethink on this, and allows small developers some sort of inexpensive or free access to the mainframes, they will die. Allowing a "hobbyist" license for Z/OS, VM and VSE on Hercules would be one way, and what does IBM really have to lose? And the gain would be that they could have many people working at no cost on these systems developing tools and applications to make them better and better.


Clement Clarke

I happen to agree with everything you said, but sadly common sense usually isn't common anymore.

Mark Jacobs
Technical Services
Time Customer Service - Tampa, FL
Victory in defeat, there is none higher. She didn't give up, Ben; she's still trying to lift that stone after it has crushed her. She's a father going down to a dull office job while cancer is painfully eating away his insides, so as to bring home one more pay check for the kids. She's a twelve-year-old girl trying to mother her baby brothers and sisters because Mama had to go to Heaven. She's a switchboard operator sticking to her job while smoke is choking her and the fire is cutting off her escape. She's all the unsung heroes
who couldn't quite cut it but never quit.*

Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land
*Referring to the Auguste Rodin sculpture, Caryatid Who Has Fallen under Her 

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