I should have mentioned, this is due to apar OA17114 that is just coming into the light.
Lizette > >Hi - > >Has anyone been asked by their DB2 DBAs (or DB2 Sysprogs) on the MVS Mainframe >what it would take to place their Tables into Storage? We are DB2 V8 nfm with >z/OS V1.7 on a z9 and z860 systems. > >Some of our DB2 folkes have been asking us and we cannot see why they would >want to do that since we have physical constraints (ie. not a big enough iron). > >If anyone has some ideas we as mvs sysprogs need to be aware should they do >this, it would be helpful. > >I am thinking ASM/SRM, Swapping rates, Page dataset usage, and possible >looking at the coupler as we have data sharing set up. I am not sure how I >would extrapolate out how much more memory would be needed, or page datasets, >etc. > >We really are not performance oriented here and get these kinds of crazy >requests. Well maybe not crazy but rather not well thought out. > >Elements that are easiy monitored and something I can place into an automation >tool would be great. > >Also if there are any other considerations that could make this work. > >Lizette >(making bad code run faster...) > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html