On Tue, 3 Jul 2007 12:43:29 -0500, Greg Grimm wrote: >We are going to replace our tape hardware (Tape Library (ATL), VTS). In >investigating how our "other operating systems" use tapes I found that they >use IBM TSM to talk directly to the ATL - and get high tape utilization (i.e. >stacking multiple files on tape). kind of like a software VTS. Is there a >product >that supports this function on z/OS?
TSM is primarily a backup/archive utility. Under z/OS those functions are handled primarily by products like HSM or FDR/ABR. I'm not sure about HSM, but ABR does an excellent job of filling up tapes. -- Tom Marchant ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html