On Wed, 1 Aug 2007 00:22:46 -0500 Brian Westerman said:
>Hi all,
>I have decided that it would be kind of a cool idea to be able to access
>some of our software (especially the Spool Offload facility) from a secure
>internet connection, but I don't want to use CICS services or DB/2 because I
>can't gaurentee that they will be available at all of the sites that use my
>code.  I think that my approach has to be through WebSphere, or I would need
>to write my own server address space that services TCP sockets, but I can't
>find documentation on the best approach for doing this.  Maybe I'm just
>looking in the wrong places.  Does anyone know of any documentation on how
>writing this process would best be done?

Not to be too pendantic, but WebSphere is a brand, not an application.
Same as Tivoli, Lotus, LinkSys, Mercury, Ford, etc.  You probably
mean WebSphere Application Server, or WebSphere AS, or WAS, which is
a J2EE implementation similar to Tomcat or several other J2EE systems.

I don't know the current marketshare, but WAS is not ubiquitous.  While
free, Tomcat is not universal either, and the two are not 100% interchangable.

The suggestion to use the Apache based free HTTP server shipped with the
system, because even if they have WAS, it uses that as its base, and
Tomcat will use something similar.


>Thanks for your help.
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