With that Wikipedia article as an "aide memoire", one is reminded that IBM
have indeed ported AIX to at least a predecessor to the zSeries.
I *think* what AIX/370 and AIX/ESA were was a "quick fix" to deal with, in
this case, a competition issue - it might simply have been a requirement
from a customer with clout. As the Wikipedia article implies, the need for
AIX/ESA disappeared - in principle - when OpenEdition appeared.
Having been roped into a development lab in order to create such a "quick
fix" - a small product feature rather than a whole product! - I know this
sort of thing happens - if, indeed, it wasn't obvious! I'm happy to say the
fully designed replacement - represented by OpenEdition in the discussion
above - was what went into the final product as shipped rather than my
efforts which were needed in order to support honesty in the announcement
Chris Mason
----- Original Message -----
From: "William Richter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.ibm-main
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Why is not AIX ported to z/Series?
IMHO,....IBM has not ported and licensed AIX to zSeries... because IBM does
not want zSeries competing directly with AIX and Pseries servers.
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