On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 10:32:42 -0500, Kirk Wolf wrote:

>The results are interesting when I actually tried using the cp command
>with //DD:xxxx(mem)  :-)
>The "cp" command doesn't properly handle the "//DD:xxxx(member)"
>syntax that fopen supports.   It seems to always result in the
>following error, even if the output file DCB matches:
"cp" is too smart (read complicated) for the programmers' own good.
It would be better if it tried to be less UNIX-y in its handling of
non-UNIX facilities and simply allowed the programmer to supply the
exact argument strings to fopen() rather than synthesizing them from
UNIX-style command line switches.

If you have found documentation that "cp" supports the "//DD:xxxx(mem)"
construct (I couldn't), you have grounds for a PMR.

>But, "cat", which is *not* documented to support MVS dataset names
>(although I use it all the time), works perfectly.
"cat" is better because it doesn't try to outsmart the programmer.
But, as you recognize, unsupported.  Can you process binary files and
text files alike?

>IMO, the solutions using a utility like IEBCOPY aren't ideal since
>they require control cards to specify the member name, which can't be
>parameterized in JCL without some other helper utility.
There have been plenty of rants about this; don't tempt me!

>//  PARM='PGM /bin/cat //DD:LIB(&MEM)'
>//    ...
Must be 1.7 or higher.  Wasn't that (or 1.8?) the first release that
supports non-UNIX files as DD STDOUT?

-- gil

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