On Mon, 8 Oct 2007 08:32:23 -0600, Howard Brazee wrote:

>On 5 Oct 2007 21:43:56 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Hewson)
>>It has got to the stage where I am now suggesting that all our computers
>>just be set to UTC, with no local offset. That moves ALL handling of local
>>time to the applications which interface with people. Knowing that all
>>systems were on UTC it would make problem diagnosis of any log submitted so
>>much easier....no need to be concerned what the local time was where the log
>>was produced.
Of course, the time stamps in logs can and should be kept in UTC
even if the system time zone is set otherwise.

>Beyond the convenience with people working with others around the
>world - such time-date stamps work very nicely with data.
IBM utilities are moving glacially in the rignt direction.  A conspicuous
laggard is ISPF PDS member time stamps.  There ought to be a PARMLIB option
allowing installations to choose to store those in UTC, notwithstanding
setting of the system time zone otherwise.

A collateral problem is that if I TRANSMIT a file on Friday before the
onset or end of Daylight Saving Time and someone RECEIVEs it on the
Monday following, the time stamp is skewed by an hour.  This needs to
be fixed by making the Local<->UTC conversion Daylight Time savvy.
But WAD; it was apparently not a design requirement that the results
be correct.

-- gil

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