On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:41:51 -0400, Andy White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am trying to find out from anyone out there running z/OS and supporting
>Java. We have multiple programming areas that are requesting we put up a
>very specific version of Java or SDK.
>Let me be specific we have installed a ddef SAJV15D which has a path of
>and we have multiple versions of java installed.

Originally we used SMP/E to install Java.  But since each update is a 
complete replacement, we really found no benefit.   When a new version
was needed, the requirement came from the WebSphere group and they
always requested the updates by names like 1.4.2 SR5.  

>Now here is the real life challenge. We are installing IBM's EDK (for data
>encryption key store) they have a very specific JDK/SDK . We can easily
>copy it to its own directory but how does one maintain it in an automated

Not sure what you mean by maintain it in an automated way?

>Now the question is when your told to install a specific version, we run
>RSU monthly etc but if it doesn't know about it in the SMP/E zone how do
>you do it?

You can't.  But if you want, you can create different target zones for each
release... but we need different levels of the same release so that just doesn't
work (see above).

Since you are "told to install a specific version" (as we are), then that is
what prompts you to get something new.  Or you can just look periodically
at IBM's web site:


Here is what we do.  We support a system level default Java.  The level
is at the lowest common denominator (example: 1.4.2 31-bit).  It gets
mounted at the default mount point of /usr/lpp/JAVA.   We put JAVA_HOME
and other environment vars in /etc/profile to point to the default.
This is usually good enough for the majority of our Java users.  

The "OS" team supports the default version.  We used to support all
of the versions, but since WebSphere drove most of the requirements,
they started installing and maintaining their own versions.  

For WebSphere, they have their own environment variables and point
at a static local directory where we install z/OS UNIX software.  In 
production and QA, that directory is a symlink pointing to where they have the
desired version of Java. That way, they just update the symlink to swap
new levels in.  Our WebSphere development LPAR often has 3 or
4 different levels of Java mounted.

That same directory structure is used for all the other levels / flavors of
Java as well.  They get pointed to via environment variables in the 
process(es) that invokes them if they don't want the default.   For example,
we are installing a product that required 1.4.2 SR7 (IIRC). That application
runs in batch and while it could use BPXBTCH, JZOS was preferred and is
being used.  JZOS gives you a convenient way to specify the environment
variables to point to the right level of Java.  Another product being tested
needed V5 64-bit.


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

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