
SMS is not a prereq for HSM migration. At P&H Mining, I had all of our HSM managed data set up non SMS. The DFHSM Guide and Reference manuals have all the information you need in the DFSMS bookshelf. There is a command to put in the ARCCMDxx member that creates pools of volumes. I believe you put that pool into each volume definition, and then there is a command later that lists all of the volumes in that pool. I can't quite remember the specifics, but its all in the manuals listed above. HRESTORE will put datasets back into the same pool it was migrated from.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. z/OS Systems Programmer
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

----- Original Message ----- From: "Farley, Peter x23353" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am probably way behind the times on this, but I thought that SMS-managed
was a pre-requisite for HSM migration. Is it actually possible to migrate a
non-SMS-managed dataset?  E.G., I have a pool of volumes that is manually
allocated and managed, but if I so choose I could HMIG any of the datasets
on these volumes?

If the answer is "yes", where will the dataset be restored when HRECALL is
done?  Will it be restored to the non-SMS volume from which it came?

Lastly, which Fine Manual describes this behavior?

TIA for curing my ignorance.


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