This past month and a half, I've been updating all the
courses I'm responsible for to reflect changes brought
about by z/OS 1.9 in each course's subject area. Since
most folks don't get a chance to explore the new features,
thought I'd list the features introduced in 1.9 that I
think might be of interest to applications programmers.

If you are not an application programmer, you might pass
this on: some of these are very nice to know about. On
the other hand, even if you are not an application
programmer, some of these might be nice to know about.

The usefulness of any particular feature will vary from
person to person, of course; I figure if you see something
that looks helpful to you that you can check the docs
(or, of course, schedule a class!)

Seems like the biggest impacts for this particular
release are in ISPF and the Dialog Manager services.

_TSO, CLIST, REXX, ISPF/Dialog Manager:_

* ISPF: scrollable fields; introduced in 1.5,
  enhanced in 1.8 (ZCLRSFLD command), more
  widely used in 1.9
  [discussed in "ISPF Update"; details covered
   in "Developing Dialog Manager Applications
   in z/OS"]

* ISPF Edit and View: SOURCE command allows you to
  edit and view data in ASCII; LF command lets you
  set x'0A's to EBCDIC new lines
  [discussed in "Advanced ISPF in z/OS"]

* DSLIST can display total number of tracks in
  all datasets in the list
  [discussed in "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", "ISPF Update",
   and in "ISPF and JCL on z/OS"]

* Two new options on Primary Option Menu:
  12 - z/OS System programmer facilities
  13 - z/OS application programmer facilities
  [all ISPF screen shots of Primary Option Menu

* Many ISPF data set name entry fields now
  support z/OS HFS UNIX files

  * Edit and View entry panel
  * Edit / View CREATE / REPLACE / COPY / MOVE
  [discussed in "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", "ISPF Update",
   and in "ISPF and JCL on z/OS"]

* HFS file names and path names can be kept in
  personal reference lists)
  [discussed in "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", "ISPF Update",
   and in "ISPF and JCL on z/OS"]

* ISPF profile can be set so that SAVE does not
  clear out the undo buffer; thus, UNDO might be
  able to restore data to its condition before
  the last SAVE
  [discussed in "TSO/ISPF in z/OS", "ISPF Update",
   and in "ISPF and JCL on z/OS"]

* The UNIX Directory List Utility (3.17) now uses edit
  and browse instead of oedit and obrowse; there is
  also a view option now.
  [discussed in "ISPF Update" and "Introduction to
  z/OS UNIX"]

* Dialog Manager panel language now supports system
  symbols in DSNAMEx parameters for VER statement
  [discussed in "Developing Dialog Manager Applications
   in z/OS"]

* Dialog Manager panel language now supports VSYM builtin
  function and VSYM statement to process system symbols
  [discussed in "Developing Dialog Manager Applications
   in z/OS"]

* Dialog Manager BROWSE, EDIT, and VIEW services now
  support z/OS UNIX files
  [discussed in "Developing Dialog Manager Applications
   in z/OS"]

* Dialog Manager file tailoring adds support for the
  &VSYM function to support system symbol resolution
  during file tailoring
  [discussed in "Developing Dialog Manager Applications
   in z/OS"]

_Program Binder_

* Specify -IMMED on REPLACE and CHANGE statements
  to make changes apply to target before these
  statements instead of after
  [discussed in "Secrets of Inter-Language Communication
  in z/OS"]

* Binder COMPAT can be specified as ZOSV1R9
  [discussed in "Secrets of Inter-Language Communication
  in z/OS"]

- several other changes, not related to content of
  courses we offer

_Language Environment (LE)_

* CEEDUMP runtime parameter can request CEEDUMP
  attributes if CEEDUMP DD statement not supplied
  [discussed in "Using LE Services in z/OS"]

* Message tag files may be z/OS UNIX files, the
  CEEBLDTX exec has been ported to also run under
  the z/OS UNIX shell, and the outputs can be
  z/OS UNIX files
  [discussed in "Using LE Services in z/OS"]

* HEAPPOOLS runtime parameter can request that cells
  in certain heap pools not cross cache line
  [discussed in "Using LE Services in z/OS"]

* CEE3DLY callable service - suspends program for
  specified number of seconds (up to an hour); can
  use under CICS
  [discussed in "Using LE Services in z/OS"]

* CEEDLYM callable service - suspends program for
  specified number of miiliseconds (up to an hour);
  can not use under CICS
  [discussed in "Using LE Services in z/OS"]

* CEE3MC2 callable service - returns the currency
  symbol for the current country, and the international
  currecny symbol for the current country
  [discussed in "Using LE Services in z/OS"]

* Point to IBM link to our courses at

* CEEDUMP traceback table format has changed
  [discussed in "Using LE Services in z/OS"
  and "Enterprise COBOL Debugging and Maintenance"]

_z/OS UNIX System Services_

* Support expanded for version 3 of the Single Unix
  Standard, changing the behavior of some commands
  such as ed, file, tr
  [discussed in "Introduction to z/OS UNIX" and
  "Shell Script Programming in z/OS UNIX", as

* Support for new versions of C code: C can be compiled
  with the METAL option, which generates C code without
  LE linkages; can also support explicit inclusion of
  assembler instructions; some z/OS UNIX commands have
  options to support this kind of program
   - not discussed in our courses, since these features
     are intended for the systems programmer; but they
     are kinda' cool.-

And, of course, all languages references to Assembler,
COBOL, PL/I, and so on, are current with their release

Do your other course authors keep this current?


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


  z/OS Application development made easier
    * Our classes include
       + How things work
       + Programming examples with realistic applications
       + Starter / skeleton code
       + Complete working programs
       + Useful utilities and subroutines
       + Tips and techniques

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