Phil Payne wrote:
The IT Jungle piece seems to be a combination of four sources, three of which 
were reasonable.
One was mine, and one was one derived from mine.  It's a bit like analysing a 
commentary on
the synoptic Gospels.  He's not quite right on many details, but the crucial 
one is the
discrepancy between the z9 ---> z6 native cycle time improvement and the 
delivered grunt of
around +50%.  That means this machine works differently.  Not worse, not better 
- differently.

Most PHBs don't understand the technical fundamentals required to make the informed decisions upon which their company's technological future rests. They get too easily caught up in irrelevancies. Recognizing this, IBM wisely came out with AMODE(64) processors instead of AMODE(63) processors. The cycle time of the z6 chip is similar window dressing. The idea is that, rather than always being on the defensive having to explain the difference between GHz and throughput, IBM mainframes will cycle fast enough to satisfy even fact checkers for airline magazines. IMHO, it's a smart move even if it isn't really all that meaningful. Let the "other" guys be on the defensive for a change! :-D


I don't buy the "z9 sales affected by z6 leaks" angle.  In the first place, 
there have been no
substantive leaks.  And in the second, the z9 is very much a known quantity and 
the safe bet.
I would not be at all surprised to see z9 sales pick up slightly in 2008Q1.

The fact is that no production mainframe processors based on z6 technology have been pre-announced, announced, or even hinted at. There is only a new chip technology being discussed. Having said that, I can very much believe logical quantum leaps (conclusional jumps?) from those not smart enough to distinguish between the two. And, since we know that paranoia is no guarantee people are not out to get you, they just might be right!

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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