Dave Kopischke writes:
>600 servers to replace 1 1600 MIPS mainframe ??? It reads like
>there's more to it than this, but it's still incredible. The
>annual power bill alone could probably buy a new z9.

I can only go by what's in the article -- I have no information on this
situation. The article does not say that 600 servers replaced one 1,600
MIPS mainframe. It does not say the mainframe is actually replaced. In
fact, the article suggests the 600 servers weren't the only ones intended
to replace the mainframe, and it suggests there are actually more than 600
servers involved, perhaps many more.

The article also suggests that the New York Stock Exchange has run out of
data center space, power, and/or cooling, and they are looking for yet
another data center location. Last I checked adding an extra data center
isn't free, particularly for a stock exchange.

The article is very thin on even asserted business benefits. There are few
if any assertions about service qualities. There's nothing mentioned about
how the NYSE would recover their thousands of servers in a disaster, and
what business interruption or data loss they would suffer (and for how
long) in the event of a disaster. There is nothing said about energy
consumption (except oblique suggestions that it's a major problem). And I
found this IT-related assertion incredible:

"We have only a handful of underutilized servers...."

But that's my read just looking at the words on the screen, so you all
might have seen something different in the article and/or have better
information than I do.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific
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