Lots of really smart people have commented back and forth on this
subject and it is one of those perennial stocking stuffers without any
reasonable answer. Yes, vendors do "bad things" and customers do "dumb
things" and IBM gets a pass. We all meekly accept that
"one-size-fits-all" billy clubs like the IEFUSI exit represent an
acceptable management approach for virtual storage in the 21st century. 

Well, bah humbug! 

Here we have the most powerful operating system in the world, but it
still has 1960's constructs for dealing with memory. What a crock! Why
arbitrarily limit memory? Oh yeah, to prevent a runaway program from
nailing the system. Clue: The IEFUSI exit doesn't do anything to prevent
that. It really isn't even slightly helpful in that goal. It's like
sticking band-aids on cancer patients.

Instead, the system programmer has to guess what a good system-wide
limit might be and then code it in assembler ferpetesakes!!!! Heaven
forefend having to make a midnight change so some critical job can run.
And what about the poor old JCL programmer who has to guess what each
program is going to need ahead of time, without knowing anything about
data volume, or workload... And let's not forget everyone else who gets
woken at o-dark thirty when things go bump in the night and then has to
second guess the first two without the aid of a crystal ball or even a
bowl of chicken entrails. Fact: Region related problems happen hundreds
of times more often in the wild than runaway storage users filling up

So why do we meekly accept it? This is really just a stupid, antiquated,
design (or lack of design) that had questionable merit in the first
place. If you want it "fixed", the only thing you can do is lean on IBM
for improvements. Arguably the combination of VSM, RSM and ASM could
observe the runaway and take action to slow it down, perhaps even to
cancel it, but it doesn't do anything like that. You have to guess for

(expecting a flame or two :-)

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