
Actually, on my second job as a computer operator, I graduated from the 360/40 to a 1410/1401 machine. We actually had 2 of them that shared the same 1301 (I think) disk. A huge disk around 2 to 3 feet in diameter. You could only use the disk on one machine at a time, but that was ok as many jobs just did tape processing and didn't use the disk. I remember many times each day typing a long string of numbers, digits, and special characters in each time you wanted to switch between 1401 and 1410 mode or vice versa.

The tape drives on those machines were also kind of cool. They had a big wheel at the top that had numbers 1 through 5 (?) on them for addressing. If you were using tape 3, and the next job used the same tape as tape 1, you turned the wheel and reloaded the tape. Can't remember the model number of those tape drives either.

The company I worked at was part of Philip Morris at the time. I heard they had a choice of getting a 2nd 1410, or a 360 mod 65 from another Philip Morris company. They chose a 2nd 1410, because they wouldn't have to change any of their programs.

I remember one set of sales reports used to take about 24 hours of processing to do all of the processing and printing of reports. They rewrote it and contracted it to AO Smith. I can't remember if they were running on a 360 or a 370, but I remember the processing took about 1 hour, and then it took 3 or 4 hours to print the reports on our 360 Mod 20 that was made to run as a JES remote.

Eric Bielefeld
Sr. z/OS Systems Programmer
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gerhard Postpischil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Eric Bielefeld wrote:
Ah, the good old days. My first job in IT was a computer operator on a 360/40.

You had it easy <g>. The first computer operators I ran into worked on a 7094, and did things like entering data and commands on the console (via switches) to rewind the tapes and things. The lead operator wanted to become a programmer, but couldn't afford to, because with his overtime pay he made more than we.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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