Claude, These are in the DFSMSdfp Diagnosis Ref, under the appropriate DADSM function. For SCRATCH (Table 61), I get
X'04' X'0B' ENQRET X'25' Verify DADSM SCRATCH request; enqueue on SYSDSN failed. hth, Richard Crook zOS Technical Specialist, (64 4) 576-9795 [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Richbourg, Claude" <richbourg.claude To @MAIL.DC.STATE.FL IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU .US> cc Sent by: IBM Mainframe Subject Discussion List A DADSM error while scratching a <[EMAIL PROTECTED] dsn. .EDU> 09/01/2008 02:34 PM Please respond to IBM Mainframe Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .EDU> Sending again as I did not get a copy back from the list server. Hello all, This one stumps me for now and I need some help from the group. I am at z/OS 1.7 and in the process of cleaning up un-cataloged datasets on SMS managed volumes. This one that is holding tight is a non-vsam PO dataset. I usually run this JCL to delete them and it works fine: //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //DISK DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=DASEFA //SYSIN DD * DELETE XXXXXXX.XXXXXX NVR FILE(DISK) /* The job gets a return code of '0', but the dataset is still there. A =3.4 display shows it, as well as an old IEHLIST job. In looking in the log or messages portion of the output from the delete job, I see this: IEC331I 042-006(040B0425),DELNVR1 ,STEP1 ,SCRT,IGG0CLH0 IEC331I VOL,DASEFA,NAME,XXXXXXX.XXXXX IEF142I DELNVR1 STEP1 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000 The fine manual says: RETURN CODE 42 Explanation: A DADSM error occurred on branch entry to DADSM back end. The DADSM error return data from the invoked sub-function (SFI) field is the value of the variable sfierror in message IEC331I. REASON CODE 6 Explanation: A DADSM SCRATCH error occurred on branch entry. No luck finding the '040B0425' meaning so far. Now the REAL question, how can I delete this dsn. Any and all responses are quite welcome. Regards, Claude Richbourg The contents of this e-mail are confidential. If you have received this communication by mistake, please advise the sender immediately and delete the message and any attachments. Nothing in this email designates an information system for the purposes of Section 11(a) of the New Zealand Electronic Transactions Act 2002. Westpac New Zealand Limited. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at