I'm never one to do things the easy way when I can do it the complicated
way <grin>. Anyway, below is a way to create a ZIP file containing a
SINGLE z/OS sequential file. It uses Dovetailed Technologies DTLSPAWN,
fromdsn, todsn, and the Java jar command. It must use a z/OS UNIX file
as intermediary storage.

. /etc/profile
cd /tozip &&
fromdsn -t 819  "//...zos.file..." >intermediate.unix.file &&
jar cvM intermediate.unix.file |
todsn -o 'recfm=fb,lrecl=1,space=(cyl,(500,200))' -b \
rm intermediate.unix.file

The fromdsn command copies the data to the intermediate unix file,
converting it to ISO8859-1 (with UNIX line endings, not Windows line
endings, but you can specify other line endings with the -l parameter).
The jar command reads the intermediate unix file, sending its output to
Which is piped to the todsn command which writes its output to a z/OS
sequential file.
You need to replace "intermediate.unix.file" to be the proper file name.
That is, what you want it called when unzipped.

Now, I know most are likely saying: Gee, John has been putting in too
many hours and his poor brain has fried. Why all the messing around?
Well, mainly because I could. Secondarily because I need to zip a file
for transmission to a UNIX platform. This way I did not need any
non-free software. Note that the && guarantees that the previous command
finished correctly before doing the next command. A primitive form of
condition code checking.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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