We don't have any databases, no. It's several years now since I was at a DB2 shop but I think that it doesn't actually use timestamps on the logs anyway, it uses its own sequencing independent of a time source, if I remember correctly.
To be honest, in this day and age, I'd have to question whether I wanted a db that would require a one-hour outage just because the clocks changed anyway, if you see what I mean. Our main problem is that most of our work runs overnight and on one particular LPAR is very tightly organised into scheduling 'windows'. Our OPC setup runs on local time - I'm not an OPC expert so I don't know off the top of my head if that can be changed, and never bothered enough to look it up - but what happens at when you jump forward an hour is that any jobs that should have been submitted in the interim will immediately be submitted, so there's the potential for additional resource contention, or maybe missed files if dependent files haven't been created yet. So we delay it a couple of hours on that LPAR, for when it's more convenient. There's a PCI compliance issue to consider as well, which I can't seem to get a sensible answer out of any of the auditors on, that states that all servers must be set to use similar time sources or kept reasonably synchronised with each other (for log comparisons etc). Brian ----------------------------------------- Email sent from www.virginmedia.com/email Virus-checked using McAfee(R) Software and scanned for spam ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html