Arthur Gutowski wrote:
<rant> Since SMP/E is required to do any z/OS installation and maintenance,
and ServerPac Dialog is all but required, and CBPDO is relatively integrated into
SMP/E... Is there any hope of IBM integrating the ServerPac application into
SMP/E? Is there any hope that ISV's will eventually figure out how to write
their installation processes around ServerPac and not try to re-invent the
wheel, failing miserably at that? Since Candle is now IBM, those products are
now ServerPac-capable, and I'm hoping there is little to no need of CICAT
down the road. But I don't think it takes an outright acquisition to converge
tools - aren't many of these ISV's an IBM Development Partner? </rant>
Yous premise that ServerPac is somehow exemplary might be your opinion
and, from a usability standpoint, you might very well be right when
objective comparisons are made against certain popular software products
from certain vendors. But, I know of at least *one* ISV whose flagship
product's install procedures are continually rated "excellent" by its
customer base! I suspect there are other ISV products with similarly
high customer satisfaction ratings as well.
Keep in mind that ServerPac is an SMP/E "bypass". It _restores_ SMP/E
zones rather than installing into them. This might be OK for a complete
reinstall of z/OS. But, I submit that this is *not* the preferred,
optimal -- or even necessarily the "correct" -- way to add a product to
an existing pre-configured system!
I understand, recognize, and agree with the desire for consistent
install procedures for z/OS products. In fact, consistency across the
enterprise is an even better long-term objective. How great would it be
if you could install software on z/OS with the same ease as on other
I can tell you that *many* ISVs have *strongly* petitioned IBM to deploy
its multi-platform "Solution Installer" on z/OS. So far, IBM has
steadfastly refused to do so. :-(
Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318
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