2008/4/10 Lindy Mayfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Is there any way to create a Rexx function that runs authorized? Seems > that when a Rexx function is called the JSCBAUTH is turned off.
By "Rexx function", do you mean a function written in Rexx, or one written (typically in assembler) as part of a function package? Although the doc is ambiguous, Rexx itself will happily run authorized, according to the usual APF rules. This does not mean in a TSO/E integrated environment, however. But you can set up a non-TSO/E Rexx environment and run Rexx programs in an authorized job step, and of course the Rexx program can then call a function or host command environment routine that does authorized stuff. Whether this is wise is a whole 'nuther question... However what I'm guessing you want is the ability to run a "normal" Rexx program ,and then have it call an assembler-written function that gets control in an authorized state, much the way you can issue an authorized TSO command. Well, not any straightforward way I know. Why not write an authorized TSO command, and invoke that from Rexx? I'm not sure if such a command can use the Rexx variable interface, but other than that, it should be able to run, do its APF thing, whatever that is, and pass back a small result, or stack a larger one. Tony H. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html