Gerhard Postpischil wrote:
Lindy Mayfield wrote:
I wonder what I'm doing wrong (again).  I made an assembler program that
I call with Address LINKPGM.  It's in the linklist, it's APF authorized,
has the AC bit on, and listed in AUTHPGM in IKJTSO00.

There is an alternative to LINKPGM, but the name escapes me at the moment. It might be LINKMVS or AUTHMVS (I'd check a PDS member list of SYS1.LINKLIB)? It's been ten years, but when I worked at an ISV this was a standard way of handling things, provided all the details were taken care of. I do remember having to handle different formats for passing parameters, though.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

There are these ways to invoke programs from REXX execs (aside from CALL):

- passing a string, which may have variables substituted
  (if not in quotes)
- received as R1 points to two words in memory
  1st word points to a pointer to the string
  2nd word points to the length as a fullword binary integer

- pass multiple parameters as variables (substitution occurs
  even though the variables must be quoted)
- received as R1 points to a list of pointers
  each pointer points to a half-word prefixed string, one for
     each variable passed, of course
  the last pointer has its leftmost bit turned on
- the values of these parameters may be changed by the called program

- pass multiple parameters as a quoted string of variables
- received as R1 points to a list of pointers
  each pointer points to its corresponding parameter string
  * no length indicator
- values may be changed by called program but, of course, no
  value may have its length changed

We cover the above, with examples and labs in Assembler,
COBOL, PL/I, and C in our 2 day course "Introduction to
TSO and REXX APIs" (we don't over authorization issues)

for more info, check out:


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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